Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Fat Quarter Shelf

Well, I had been at my husband about building me a Fat Quarter shelf so I could get the FQ's out of the bins. So yesterday he built me one from my specifications. He told me it was not going to be big enough but for some reason I thought it would be.

Here they are... all primed up! Was trying to decide which colors I wanted to go with in my room, although the other shelf is black and red. 

Well... when I awoke this afternoon after going back to bed (cause I woke up at 6am and had not gone to bed until 2:30) I found my FQ Shelf all painted. He made the decision to paint it like the other one, which is fine.  Here it is, and it has FQ's in it already. Not arranged really good but some are arranged.

Well, I'm on my way to getting my FQ's arranged on a shelf. I took these off the big shelf, but looks like I am going to have to put some FQ's back on that big shelf. This is just too small. Hubby got frustrated with me over this but... How's a girl supposed to know how much FQ's she has when they are in bins? That's why I need shelves now, so I can see them, hehe.

Hoping after all the folding is over I will have enough room to shop for more fabric. I'll just have to be creative in order to store some more, right?

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